of Sme

Me & Hook
Finely crafted tune, nice effects, especially the occasional 'radio being tuned in sound' and the bass sound kicks, I'd expect to hear this in a dark club where hunched figures lurk in the shadows whilst the unknowing crowd dance their way into a slaughter (Is it me or is this a good tune for a good action/horror film?)

by ConKuss
If they do a BLADE 2 movie, your track should be on it.

by Scott-e-j-Ones
All Hands
I know it's sounds ugly but this choo-ownnnn got me wriggling me bits. Nice edgy synths solid beat ace voices.

by Slippy-T
All hands,fingers and toes a tapping.Also a lot of head bobbing syndrome. Nice tune. Everything fitts in really well.

by Scott-e-j-Ones
Attack of the Killer Moog! Big Sounds a Comin'! Good solid stuff mate yet another totally chartable tune, all it needs is the bouncy bouncy video to match it. Pure thumping kicking bassy slightly sinister dance. Perfect for those late nite clubs that all you youngsters go to nowadays... Nice ending, no feckin about there too...

by ConKuss